Membership Application

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Headline TBD

We invite presidents to join our collective of 23 (and growing) schools, representing a broad array of institutions. To be considered, presidents meet with the Citizens & Scholars team to discuss specific strategies for making civic preparedness central to their educational mission. Accepted presidents champion the Civic Commitments, share impact stories and progress reports annually, and receive support from Citizens & Scholars as they implement programming that bolsters democratic education.

Participating institutions are expected to uphold the Civic Commitments. Citizens & Scholars reserves the right to determine ongoing membership, contingent on schools making a good-faith effort to enact the Commitments and actively contribute to our democratic community.

How to Join

A two-step process allows us to validate the applicant’s identity:

Applicant submits name, institution, title, and email address.
Applicant is automatically registered as user on website.
Applicant receives friendly email with login details and link to complete the full form.
Completed applications are automatically routed for review by designated CP2 personnel.

Form goes here

Here's the form.

New Member Form

Thank you for your interest in joining College Presidents for Civic Preparedness as a champion of the Civic Commitments. Your action inspires the next generation of engaged citizens. 

The form below includes some important information we need to complete your membership. Please use this form to share some of your campus’s existing or planned initiatives, keeping in mind that membership will likely spark new ideas for the future.

By becoming a member, you agree to:

  1. Activate the commitments on your campus in a way that aligns with your institutional mission.
  2. Publicly list your name and institutional logo.
  3. Share your success stories yearly for inclusion in the annual impact report released in August. (Regular updates for use in communications materials are welcomed and encouraged, as they inspire current and future members.) 
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Step 1 of 2
President Name
Select all areas that you are most interested in

Advancing the Civic Commitments

Briefly share current and planned activities that advance the Civic Commitments on your campus. Examples include convocation speeches, faculty, students, and administration training, curriculum development, course additions, voter registration initiatives, speaker series, theme years, and other campus-wide events. Feel free to include links to webpages, media coverage, or any other helpful detail. The information you provide will be used in external materials.
Current Initiatives (required)
Planned Initiatives (if applicable)
(Optional) Please provide a quote on the topic of free expression, civil discourse, or civic preparedness. This quote will appear on your president profile page.