
Activation Plan

Below is an overview of some campus activities: 

  1. The VCCS endorsed a national voter registration campaign to encourage students to register to vote and college administrators to become involved with promoting voting. 
  1. The VCCS held a system-wide Poet Laureate and Visual Arts Competition featuring student works around the theme, “I Belong,” and selected the first Student Poet Laureate of Virginia’s Community Colleges. 
  1. The VCCS hosted an inaugural system-wide meeting with Virginia’s Tribal Nation Leaders with a goal to better support and serve Native American students and employees. 
  1. In addition to system-wide initiatives, Virginia’s 23 community colleges provide opportunities throughout the year that promote civic engagement and civil discourse. 
David Doré
President, Virginia Community College System

Below is an overview of some campus activities: 

  1. The VCCS endorsed a national voter registration campaign to encourage students to register to vote and college administrators to become involved with promoting voting. 
  1. The VCCS held a system-wide Poet Laureate and Visual Arts Competition featuring student works around the theme, “I Belong,” and selected the first Student Poet Laureate of Virginia’s Community Colleges. 
  1. The VCCS hosted an inaugural system-wide meeting with Virginia’s Tribal Nation Leaders with a goal to better support and serve Native American students and employees. 
  1. In addition to system-wide initiatives, Virginia’s 23 community colleges provide opportunities throughout the year that promote civic engagement and civil discourse.