The function of democracy and the function of higher education have these things in common: their viability and integrity require that participants actively listen to and collaborate with others who see the world differently, they require that participants genuinely respect the dignity and freedom of thought of others, and they require that participants value the free exchange of ideas in pursuit of common objectives.
- Grant Cornwell
Activation Plan

Below is an overview of some campus activities:
- In 2023, the College of Liberal Arts adopted an Intercultural Competency graduation requirement as part of the general curriculum. The goals of the course include engaging with students in discussions that require civil dialogue across a range of controversial topics.
- Rollins conducts yearly faculty development sessions on how to navigate polarizing and divisive discussions in the classroom.
- Rollins hosts the Politics on Tap series, a monthly informal conversation about political and social issues. The Fiat Lux Dialogues: Common Ground Initiative holds workshops and guest speakers on developing the skills and practices to navigate difficult conversations.
- Rollins will be sending faculty members to the College Presidents for Civic Preparedness Faculty Institute.
Grant Cornwell
President, Rollins College
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Join the growing consoritum of campus leaders urgently committed to collectively restoring higher education’s role in democracy.

Grant Cornwell
President, Rollins College

Below is an overview of some campus activities:
- In 2023, the College of Liberal Arts adopted an Intercultural Competency graduation requirement as part of the general curriculum. The goals of the course include engaging with students in discussions that require civil dialogue across a range of controversial topics.
- Rollins conducts yearly faculty development sessions on how to navigate polarizing and divisive discussions in the classroom.
- Rollins hosts the Politics on Tap series, a monthly informal conversation about political and social issues. The Fiat Lux Dialogues: Common Ground Initiative holds workshops and guest speakers on developing the skills and practices to navigate difficult conversations.
- Rollins will be sending faculty members to the College Presidents for Civic Preparedness Faculty Institute.
The function of democracy and the function of higher education have these things in common: their viability and integrity require that participants actively listen to and collaborate with others who see the world differently, they require that participants genuinely respect the dignity and freedom of thought of others, and they require that participants value the free exchange of ideas in pursuit of common objectives.
- Grant Cornwell