Bennington College was established in 1932 as a beacon of progressive, liberal arts education with a dedication to instilling in students a commitment to being active citizens in our democracy. Today, Bennington carries this legacy forward, committing to a pedagogy that not only enriches students academically but also empowers them with the civic knowledge and skills vital for safeguarding and nurturing democratic ideals in an ever-evolving global landscape.
- Laura Walker
Activation Plan

Below is an overview of some campus activities:
- “Saving Democracy: The Elections and Education” is an immersive program consisting of two sessions, a summer session open to Bennington students, alumni, and the community, featuring guest speakers and resources for civic engagement, followed by a fall session focusing on media and democracy, including a public policy forum for both Bennington students and the wider community.
- The Visual Arts Lecture Series (VALS) offers students the opportunity to engage with visiting arts professionals to inspire, challenge, and enact civic and social change within their communities and beyond.
- Free Expression Task Force brings together a diverse group of students, faculty, staff, and Board of Trustees members to thoughtfully craft long-term policies that ensure these fundamental rights are preserved and nurtured within our institution.
- Bennington’s Center for Advancement of Public Action hosts a robust restorative justice program and will hold weekly restorative justice circles, among other events.

Laura Walker
President, Bennington College

Below is an overview of some campus activities:
- “Saving Democracy: The Elections and Education” is an immersive program consisting of two sessions, a summer session open to Bennington students, alumni, and the community, featuring guest speakers and resources for civic engagement, followed by a fall session focusing on media and democracy, including a public policy forum for both Bennington students and the wider community.
- The Visual Arts Lecture Series (VALS) offers students the opportunity to engage with visiting arts professionals to inspire, challenge, and enact civic and social change within their communities and beyond.
- Free Expression Task Force brings together a diverse group of students, faculty, staff, and Board of Trustees members to thoughtfully craft long-term policies that ensure these fundamental rights are preserved and nurtured within our institution.
- Bennington’s Center for Advancement of Public Action hosts a robust restorative justice program and will hold weekly restorative justice circles, among other events.
Bennington College was established in 1932 as a beacon of progressive, liberal arts education with a dedication to instilling in students a commitment to being active citizens in our democracy. Today, Bennington carries this legacy forward, committing to a pedagogy that not only enriches students academically but also empowers them with the civic knowledge and skills vital for safeguarding and nurturing democratic ideals in an ever-evolving global landscape.
- Laura Walker