We must seize this moment to galvanize learning through political participation. By defending democracy, we will deepen learning; by deepening learning, we will defend democracy. Both will make our educational institutions more effective, and this will create a virtuous circle of civic preparedness for the country as a whole.

- Michael Roth
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Activation Plan

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Below is an overview of some campus activities:

  • Wesleyan University will foster the democratic values and practices that make free inquiry and teaching possible. As threats to democratic systems and institutions intensify, including threats to higher education, Wesleyan is committed to empowering its students, faculty, and staff to develop skills of citizenship so that they are equipped to defend democracy. Throughout 2024, Wesleyan will sponsor events and classes to encourage civil discourse and provide grant opportunities to support students who want to work on campaigns around the country.
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Michael Roth
President, Wesleyan University
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Below is an overview of some campus activities:

  • Wesleyan University will foster the democratic values and practices that make free inquiry and teaching possible. As threats to democratic systems and institutions intensify, including threats to higher education, Wesleyan is committed to empowering its students, faculty, and staff to develop skills of citizenship so that they are equipped to defend democracy. Throughout 2024, Wesleyan will sponsor events and classes to encourage civil discourse and provide grant opportunities to support students who want to work on campaigns around the country.

We must seize this moment to galvanize learning through political participation. By defending democracy, we will deepen learning; by deepening learning, we will defend democracy. Both will make our educational institutions more effective, and this will create a virtuous circle of civic preparedness for the country as a whole.

- Michael Roth