There is a basic if oft-stated truth about democracy: it is not a spectator sport. The health of our civic institutions requires engaged citizens ready and able to exercise their voice thoughtfully and responsibly. When this College, and institutions like it, graduate broadly educated students with the skills and determination to get involved, we have every reason to believe that our country’s fragile democratic experiment may long endure.
- Robert Iuliano
Activation Plan

Below is an overview of some campus activities:
- Gettysburg College is planning a campus-wide series of programs to deepen students’ ability to talk constructively across difference.
- The Eisenhower Institute, which prepares young adults for a lifetime of public, private, and nonprofit service, will continue its focus on non-partisan discourse.
- The College will continue to build from the history of Gettysburg to reinforce the importance of civic engagement in its students.

Robert Iuliano
President, Gettysburg College

Below is an overview of some campus activities:
- Gettysburg College is planning a campus-wide series of programs to deepen students’ ability to talk constructively across difference.
- The Eisenhower Institute, which prepares young adults for a lifetime of public, private, and nonprofit service, will continue its focus on non-partisan discourse.
- The College will continue to build from the history of Gettysburg to reinforce the importance of civic engagement in its students.
There is a basic if oft-stated truth about democracy: it is not a spectator sport. The health of our civic institutions requires engaged citizens ready and able to exercise their voice thoughtfully and responsibly. When this College, and institutions like it, graduate broadly educated students with the skills and determination to get involved, we have every reason to believe that our country’s fragile democratic experiment may long endure.
- Robert Iuliano