Education helps to solidify ideas and notions. It's to foster creativity and critical thinking and engagement and collaboration. And I think if we let go of that…we have cost ourselves something. We have ceded the moral high ground on what education was designed to do.
- Roslyn Clark Artis
Activation Plan

Below is an overview of some campus activities:
- In the Summer of 2023, Benedict College sent faculty to the Faculty Institute. Professor Alexander Gorlick redesigned two Mass Communication courses that encourage students to have difficult conversations.
- The College plans to scale up the curriculum re-design effort to include all General Education classes, equipping students with skills for effective dialogue across differences.
Roslyn Clark Artis
President, Benedict College
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Roslyn Clark Artis
President, Benedict College

Below is an overview of some campus activities:
- In the Summer of 2023, Benedict College sent faculty to the Faculty Institute. Professor Alexander Gorlick redesigned two Mass Communication courses that encourage students to have difficult conversations.
- The College plans to scale up the curriculum re-design effort to include all General Education classes, equipping students with skills for effective dialogue across differences.
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Education helps to solidify ideas and notions. It's to foster creativity and critical thinking and engagement and collaboration. And I think if we let go of that…we have cost ourselves something. We have ceded the moral high ground on what education was designed to do.
- Roslyn Clark Artis