
Activation Plan


Below is an overview of some campus activities:  

The University of Mary Washington is very focused on its democratic purpose.  In fact, it is the guiding force behind UMW’s mission, values, and strategic plan.  It is why UMW established a Center for Community Engagement, is a leader in student participation (driven by UMW Votes), has incorporated Constructive Dialogue as a part of each student’s first-year experience, and proudly hosts congressional debates and a Day on Democracy each Election Day. A Day on Democracy is a day in which UMW cancels classes to host pro-democracy events and provides a shuttle service to the polls. 

Troy Paino
President, University of Mary Washington

Below is an overview of some campus activities:  

The University of Mary Washington is very focused on its democratic purpose.  In fact, it is the guiding force behind UMW’s mission, values, and strategic plan.  It is why UMW established a Center for Community Engagement, is a leader in student participation (driven by UMW Votes), has incorporated Constructive Dialogue as a part of each student’s first-year experience, and proudly hosts congressional debates and a Day on Democracy each Election Day. A Day on Democracy is a day in which UMW cancels classes to host pro-democracy events and provides a shuttle service to the polls.