June 10, 2024

Protecting Free Speech, Promoting Free Inquiry

Photo of Raj Vinnakota
Rajiv Vinnakota
Institute for Citizens & Scholars
Photo of a group of students protesting

Institute for Citizens & Scholars president Raj Vinnakota writes an op-ed in Inside Higher Ed with recommendations for campus leaders as they prepare for student protests to resume this fall.

As the semester draws to a tense close on campuses across the country, college presidents should be thinking now about the tone they want to set for a new year and a new era of unrest. American civic life is not getting any calmer as we head deeper into election season, and campus quads aren’t likely to stay quiet this fall. But this is precisely the moment to imagine democracy and campus life at their best—to insist on a better, fairer and more humane way to engage one another.

Read the full article here.